Discover stories of innovation and social entrepreneurship on our blog that ignite passion and purpose. Learn from our community of change-makersā€”members, partners, and leaders worldwide who are reshaping education and society. Each story challenges, enlightens, and connects visionaries like you, encouraging actionable change and personal growth. Explore how to craft and share impactful narratives through our platform. Dive into our blog today for a deeper understanding of how we're transforming education and creating real-world impact.

BeNeXT Global's Vision for Transformative, Accessible Education 28000 days benext global

In 2013, BeNeXT Global embarked on a mission to empower individuals to become the best versions of themselves through innovative educational opportunities. Today, as we navigate through significant demographic shifts and the challenges of global education, BeNeXT stands at a pivotal juncture, spearheading a transformative move into the edtech space to democratize access to high-quality education for the 79 million college-aged Latinos in the Americas.

Demographic Shifts and Educational Opportunities

Recent discussions have highlighted a compelling demographic trend: while overall college enrollment is declining, the Latino community is experiencing robust growth in higher education. Currently, there are 7 million college-aged Latinos in the United States and an additional 72 million in Latin America, poised to redefine the academic landscape. Despite these numbers, this...

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I'm Not Lost, I'm Exploring 28000 days benext global

In a world still grappling with the challenges of a pandemic, the notion of feeling 'lost' can often overshadow the spirit of exploration. Yet, as BeNeXT Global continues to navigate these uncertain times, our journey reflects a profound commitment to discovery, innovation, and the pursuit of meaningful societal impact. The podcast episode "I'm Not Lost, I'm Exploring" encapsulates this ethos, illustrating how our paths, though seemingly meandering, are integral to our mission and vision.

Exploration as a Pathway to Innovation

Traveling through various cities during a pandemic might seem daunting to many, yet for BeNeXT Global, it represents a unique opportunity to redefine how we operate and engage with the world. The pandemic has imposed significant constraints on traditional business and community activities, prompting us to explore new avenues for our organization's growth and...

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Empowering Growth: Kamala Harris & the Path Forward for Latino Entrepreneurs 28000 days benext global

In an era where dialogue and action are crucial for economic recovery and growth, Vice President Kamala Harris's involvement with the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) signifies a pivotal moment for Latino entrepreneurs across the nation. The discussions held with the USHCC and various government officials highlight a profound commitment to leveraging the vital role that Latino businesses play in the revitalization of the American economy. At BeNeXT Global, these developments resonate deeply with our mission to foster entrepreneurship and community leadership.

A Focus on Inclusive Economic Recovery

Vice President Harris's remarks at the USHCC legislative summit underscore the Biden administration’s dedication to supporting Latino businesses, particularly through the American Rescue Plan. This plan allocates significant resources, including $15 billion...

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Presidential Dialogue: Biden & the US Hispanic Chamber on Empowering Latino Businesses 28000 days benext global

In a pivotal moment for Latino entrepreneurship across the United States, President Joe Biden, Secretary Yellen, and key figures from the Small Business Administration joined forces with the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) to address the pressing challenges and potential of Hispanic businesses. This gathering wasn't just a meeting; it was a vibrant dialogue on empowering one of the fastest-growing segments of the American economy. At BeNeXT Global, where our mission is to foster entrepreneurial growth and community development, this dialogue resonates deeply with our core values.

A Commitment to Latino Business Success

During this landmark session, the USHCC outlined the profound impact Hispanic businesses have on the national economy—contributing an astonishing $800 billion annually. With over 4.7 million Hispanic-owned businesses that span every...

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Beyond Boundaries: BeNeXT's Global Odyssey of Social Innovation & Community Leadership 28000 days benext global futuro las americas next global scholars

Embarking on a journey that spans continents and cultures, BeNeXT Global is pioneering an odyssey of social innovation and community leadership that transcends traditional limitations. Recently, I boarded a flight that marked the beginning of an exhilarating chapter in our mission—connecting bright minds across the Americas to foster groundbreaking projects on a global stage.

A Convergence of Visionaries

From the vibrant streets of San Jose, Panama, to the bustling energy of Mexico, and ultimately, the historic corridors of Washington, D.C., our path has been anything but ordinary. The culmination of our efforts was a series of discussions before world leaders and multinational organizations, such as the Organization of American States, highlighting the exceptional contributions of our NeXT Global Scholars.

These young visionaries, hailing from diverse backgrounds and...

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Diplomatic Praise: The Dominican Republic Applauds BeNeXT Global in Washington DC benext global next global scholars

In the grand halls of the Dominican Embassy in Washington DC, a momentous occasion unfolded as Ambassador Jose Tomas Perez extended a warm welcome and commendation to BeNeXT Global and the participants of its NeXT Global Scholars initiative. This endorsement not only highlights the importance of international cooperation in fostering educational and social entrepreneurial endeavors but also aligns perfectly with the core mission and values of BeNeXT Global.

A Shared Vision for the Future

Ambassador Perez's remarks underscored a shared vision between BeNeXT Global and the Dominican Republic—nurturing young talent to tackle global challenges through innovation and collaboration. His acknowledgment of the NeXT Global Scholars initiative shines a spotlight on the significant impact that dedicated support for youth can have, not only within their communities but also on an...

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Bright Minds, Bold Solutions: Latin Americaā€™s Young Innovators Transforming Ideas into Impact benext global futuro las americas next global scholars

In the heart of Washington DC at Georgetown University, a remarkable gathering is taking place, one that could very well shape the future of not just the Americas but the global community. Eighteen young visionaries, the NeXT Global Scholars, demonstrating that the vigor of youth, when paired with innovation and leadership, can spearhead transformative changes. These individuals are not only the embodiment of BeNeXT Global’s mission but are also vivid examples of our vision in action.

Nurturing the Leaders of Tomorrow

At BeNeXT Global, we believe in the power of education and the importance of nurturing young talent to foster sustainable development and innovation. The NeXT Global Scholars program selects the brightest young minds from across the Americas, individuals who have excelled in their academic endeavors and have actively contributed to their communities. These...

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Flavors of the Future: Chef Jorge Davalos & Guadalajaraā€™s Next Generation 28000 days benext global

by Hector H. Lopez

In the vibrant streets of Guadalajara, amidst the bustling markets and historic plazas, a culinary revolution is taking place, led by one of the city’s most innovative chefs, Jorge Elvin Davalos Ruiz. This revolution is about more than just food; it’s about dreams, aspirations, and the future of an entire generation. At BeNeXT Global, where our mission is to empower and inspire, Chef Jorge's story resonates deeply with our core values.

Culinary Dreams as a Catalyst for Change

Chef Jorge Davalos has transformed the act of dining into an inspirational experience, proving that food is a powerful medium for storytelling and cultural expression. As we shared a meal and discussed the power of dreams, it became evident that Chef Jorge's kitchen is a classroom where lessons in resilience, creativity, and innovation are served alongside delectable dishes.


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Paths of Inspiration: Tapping into the Soul of Latin America 28000 days benext global

by Hector H. Lopez

The allure of Latin America is not merely in its picturesque landscapes or its rich history; it's embedded deeply in the spirit of its people and the vibrancy of its cultures. At BeNeXT Global, we believe that to truly understand the soul of a region, you must immerse yourself within its communities, embracing both the beauty and the challenges. This philosophy drives our mission as we traverse the continent, engaging with diverse groups to fuel our initiatives centered on creativity, innovation, and social entrepreneurship.

Journey Into the Heart of Innovation

Traveling through Latin America offers more than just a change of scenery. It fills our creative tanks and pushes us towards the uncomfortable, sparking transformational ideas. Each stop on our journey is an opportunity to connect with local visionaries—artists, scientists, educators, and entrepreneurs...

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Empowering Change: How Social Entrepreneurship Defines BeNeXT Global 28000 days benext global

by Hector H. Lopez

At the core of BeNeXT Global lies a commitment to social entrepreneurship, a mission that drives our every action and inspires our every project. Through this recent episode of our vlog we delve deeper into what it truly means to be a social entrepreneur and how this approach is not just a part of our work—it is our work.

A few years ago, I embraced the path of social entrepreneurship with a vision to build a movement of thinkers, creators, artists and entrepreneurs dedicated to crafting innovative projects with a purpose. This decision was born from a realization that the traditional corporate pursuit of profit does not fulfill the deeper human need to make a positive impact in the world. Instead, at BeNeXT Global, we place purpose at the forefront of our efforts, believing that the true measure of success is the difference we make in the lives of people and...

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Dreaming Big: The Essence of Innovation at BeNeXT Global 28000 days benext global

by Hector H. Lopez

In this episode we delve deep into the concept of pursuing ambitious dreams against all odds—a theme that resonates closely with the heart and soul of BeNeXT Global. As I reflect on my journey and the significant milestones along the way, from being an underdog at Georgetown University to challenging the political establishment, I'm reminded of the power of unwavering determination and the importance of dreaming with purpose.

Throughout my life, each dream, whether realized or deferred, taught invaluable lessons. These experiences, especially my academic years at Georgetown, instilled a profound understanding of service and its impact on humanity. It's not about monumental acts of heroism; it's about making a difference within your sphere, however small it may seem. This philosophy is central to BeNeXT Global's mission.

A Journey of Impact

At BeNeXT Global,...

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Building a Legacy: Lessons from the Past to Shape the Future of BeNeXT Global 28000 days benext global

by Hector H. Lopez

The story of my grandfather, a man of remarkable tenacity and vision, offers not just a personal family tale but also a guiding light for what we aspire to build at BeNeXT Global. As we continue our "28,000 Days" series, this second episode, prompts us to reflect deeply on the legacies we inherit and the ones we wish to leave behind.

My grandfather began his journey with little more than courage and a relentless drive. Dropping out of school in the sixth grade to become a traveling salesman across Mexico, he laid the groundwork for what would become a thriving tire business in Coahuila, Mexico. His leap into becoming a radio executive further exemplifies that necessity indeed breeds creativity—a belief deeply embedded in the ethos of BeNeXT Global.

At BeNeXT Global, we draw inspiration from such pioneering spirits—individuals who see potential where...

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Living Each Day with Purpose: The Core of BeNeXT Global 28000 days benext global

by Hector H. Lopez

This is the inaugural episode my vlog, where we explore a profound question: With only about 28,000 days in a lifetime, what will we do with each one? This reflection is not just a philosophical musing but a call to action that lies at the heart of everything we do at BeNeXT Global.

Life, as I see it, is an extraordinary adventure—a series of opportunities to chase dreams, collaborate creatively, and build meaningful relationships. This perspective drove me to embrace social entrepreneurship and establish a movement dedicated to cultivating thinkers, creators, leaders, artists & entrepreneurs. These are individuals who not only aspire to innovate but are committed to projects with a profound purpose.

For the past five years, my journey has taken me across the globe, from bustling cities to secluded natural wonders, meeting people from all walks of...

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Unveiling the Vision: The Journey & Promise of BeNeXT Global benext global

by Hector H. Lopez

As we embark on this transformative journey with BeNeXT Global, our commitment to sharing our vision and aspirations with you remains unwavering. Today, as promised, we begin to unfold the plans and goals that guide our mission—a mission deeply rooted in collaboration and collective impact.

At BeNeXT Global, we are driven by the belief that ambitious goals are best achieved together. Throughout our rollout, many of you have reached out with questions about our direction and strategy: What exactly are we up to? How will BeNeXT Global implement its initiatives? These are crucial questions, and your interest inspires us to delve deeper into our organizational ethos.

Our mission is not just a list of objectives but a blueprint for meaningful change. It encompasses a network of dedicated professionals—social entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, engineers,...

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From Vision to Reality: Unveiling the Story Behind BeNeXT Global benext global

by Hector H. Lopez

Today, as I share the evolution of BeNeXT Global, I am deeply grateful for the encouragement and support that has echoed from every corner of our vibrant community. This journey, rooted in the rich cultural values of Latin America, is about transcending the individualistic frameworks often celebrated elsewhere. It is about embracing a philosophy that values community, collaboration, and collective well-being—principles the world needs more than ever.

The inception of BeNeXT Global was not a spur-of-the-moment idea but a deliberate pathway shaped by decades of dedication to service, education, and community empowerment. My professional endeavors, from the bustling corridors of the United States Peace Corps in D.C. to the dynamic civic landscape of El Paso, were driven by a vision to elevate life quality through public service and intergenerational...

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Unveiling the Future: The Mission & Ambitions of BeNeXT Global benext global

It’s time for something new. Ideas that inspire and bring people together to make eXponential leaps in development. It’s time we reconceptualize education. To bring new ideas to the table that facilitate top notch educations for the fastest growing communities in the world. To give hands on experience building education, internships, and apprenticeships for students that inspire them to be social entrepreneurs. It’s time to bring nonprofits and business from across the Americas together to innovate and create the vision for their future, along with the communities they serve. It’s time to enlist our students, our residents, our employees, our artists, our leaders in the endeavor of asking ourselves “What’s NeXT?”


What’s NeXT in our lives?  How do we plan to spend the 28,000 days we have on average and leave a lasting...

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