Empowering Change: How Social Entrepreneurship Defines BeNeXT Global

28000 days benext global May 08, 2019

by Hector H. Lopez

At the core of BeNeXT Global lies a commitment to social entrepreneurship, a mission that drives our every action and inspires our every project. Through this recent episode of our vlog we delve deeper into what it truly means to be a social entrepreneur and how this approach is not just a part of our work—it is our work.

A few years ago, I embraced the path of social entrepreneurship with a vision to build a movement of thinkers, creators, artists and entrepreneurs dedicated to crafting innovative projects with a purpose. This decision was born from a realization that the traditional corporate pursuit of profit does not fulfill the deeper human need to make a positive impact in the world. Instead, at BeNeXT Global, we place purpose at the forefront of our efforts, believing that the true measure of success is the difference we make in the lives of people and the health of our planet.

Purpose Over Profit

The essence of social entrepreneurship lies in its redefinition of what it means to be successful. For us, success is not quantified solely by financial gain but by the social impact of our initiatives. We ask ourselves daily: With the roughly 28,000 days that each of us has, what legacy do we want to leave behind? How can we use our days to address the needs of our communities and foster sustainable development?

Our focus on social impact doesn't mean we shun profit, but we aim to achieve profitability in a way that also achieves positive outcomes for society. This dual goal encourages us to innovate and think creatively about solving complex challenges.

A Global Call to Action

As part of our ongoing mission, we are currently touring Latin America, seeking out the individuals who are as passionate about change as we are—entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, teachers, and students with the vision to see beyond the horizon. Our journey is not just about finding these individuals but empowering them to act on their dreams and ideas, helping them to study abroad, connect with like-minded professionals, and become part of a larger, global conversation about meaningful change.

In a few days, we will be heading to Mexico before moving on to our conference at Georgetown University. These events are crucial as they bring together the minds and hearts that drive forward our mission. We invite you to join us, to become part of a movement that values your unique contributions and shares your commitment to building a better world.

Join Us on This Journey

If you've ever felt that your work should contribute to more than just your personal gain, consider this an invitation to explore the world of social entrepreneurship with BeNeXT Global. Think about what your 28,000 days could achieve. Could they transform a community? Could they inspire a new generation of leaders? We believe they can, and we believe in the power of collective action to make it happen.

This is more than just a job or a career path; it's a life choice that resonates with the very essence of human potential. As we pack our bags and prepare for the next leg of our journey, we hope you'll consider packing yours and joining us. Together, let's dream big and act purposefully.

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