Discover stories of innovation and social entrepreneurship on our blog that ignite passion and purpose. Learn from our community of change-makersā€”members, partners, and leaders worldwide who are reshaping education and society. Each story challenges, enlightens, and connects visionaries like you, encouraging actionable change and personal growth. Explore how to craft and share impactful narratives through our platform. Dive into our blog today for a deeper understanding of how we're transforming education and creating real-world impact.

The Digital Education Revolution in Latin America

by Hector H. Lopez

After diving into the untapped potential of Latin America's youth, our journey continues with an exploration of how digital education is becoming the bridge over traditional barriers, unlocking new realms of possibility for millions.

This next article in the series will examine the transformative impact of technology on education across Latin America. As we embrace a future where traditional classroom boundaries blur, we find a region ripe for educational revolution — fueled by innovation, driven by necessity, and amplified by the youthful vigor of its population.

We will spotlight pioneering initiatives that leverage digital platforms to provide accessible, quality education — from remote areas in the Andes to bustling metropolitan centers. Stories of tech startups, and governmental policies converging to democratize education will take center stage,...

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The Untapped Potential of Latin America

by Hector H. Lopez

As I traverse the vibrant landscapes of the Americas, a narrative of potential, innovation, and transformation unfolds before my eyes. This journey has inspired me to launch a LinkedIn series dedicated to exploring the intersection of education, technology, entrepreneurship, and social impact across this diverse hemisphere.

My travels from the bustling urban arteries to serene rural retreats have revealed a staggering reality: Latin America, with its over 79 million college-aged students, stands in stark contrast to the United States, where college enrollments have dwindled to a historic low of 15.2 million. This juxtaposition is not merely a statistic; it represents a profound opportunity. At a time when educational institutions in the United States grapple with declining enrollments, Latin America bursts with the untapped potential of its youth,...

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Footsteps Across the Americas

by Hector H. Lopez

Amidst the symphony of countless airports, my legs find comfort in the embrace of well-worn Converse sneakers, a testament to the miles walked and stories collected. This seemingly simple snapshot holds the essence of an era—a relentless odyssey across the contours of the Americas.

From New York’s pulsating heart, spiraling down through the arteries of I-95 and I-10, traversing the Pan-American highway’s expanse from Mexico’s vibrant tapestry to Argentina’s southernmost tips, and weaving through the Caribbean only to circle back to El Paso, Texas. This journey was less an itinerary and more a pilgrimage—a mission to forge connections, spark innovation, and plant the seeds of change.

From the early days with the National Hispanic Institute to the inception of BeNeXT Global and Futuro Las Americas, each step played its unique note...

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Mexico's Defiant Stand Against American Myths

by Hector H. Lopez

In the luminous dawn of a new era, Mexico stands defiant, a phoenix rising from the ashes of narratives long spun by its northern neighbor. For decades, the United States has painted Mexico in broad strokes of despair and danger, a land riddled with corruption, violence, and poverty. This portrayal, deeply ingrained in the American psyche, has been a convenient veil, obscuring the vibrant, resilient heart of a nation on the brink of monumental transformation.

The American narrative has long chosen to spotlight the drug trade, casting a shadow over Mexico’s rich cultural tapestry and innovative spirit. It’s a narrative that conveniently overlooks the United States’ own insatiable appetite for narcotics, a demand that fuels the very trade it condemns. American cinema has glorified its mobsters and drug lords in films like “The Godfather”...

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Crafting Legacies in the Streets of Guadalajara

By Hector H. Lopez

In the intricate weave of life's tapestry, each story threads through the fabric of our existence, infusing it with the hues of our dreams and aspirations. My reflections on the vlog journey of day 14,405 transcend the mere recounting of travels. It unveils a profound exploration where the convergence of dreams with reality paints a vibrant tapestry of life, rich in color and texture.

Wandering the vivacious streets of Guadalajara, Jalisco, amidst the fervent aspirations of budding chefs and psychologists, I found a mirror to my own odyssey. A journey interlaced with the unexpected and serendipitous, echoing the depth of our shared human experiences. It's a narrative that subtly whispers of untold stories, resonating with the richness of our collective spirit.

This path has led me to a profound revelation of storytelling's transformative power. Capturing the soul of...

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Crossing Borders, Creating Dreams: A Journey of Art, Identity & Innovation

by Hector H. Lopez

Today, I'm drawn back to a pivotal encounter in Colombia with
German Barbosa. Our interaction, captured in a vlog, transcends the bounds of a simple travel diary, venturing deep into the realms of creativity, social entrepreneurship, and a rich, nuanced interpretation of the American Dream. This narrative, with all its authenticity (quirky hairstyle included!), resonates profoundly with my current life in Mexico City.

Residing in Mexico City has been more than a mere relocation; it has been an awakening to new perspectives. Here, amidst the city's vibrant fusion of history and contemporaneity, I've found an unexpected clarity and joy. This experience has granted me a fresh understanding of Octavio Paz's 'El Laberinto de la Soledad.' His exploration of identity and duality now strikes a deeper chord, reflecting my own experience of living between American and Mexicano...

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Floating Dreams: Bursting with Color & Creativity

by Hector H. Lopez

As we usher in the new year, I find myself inspired by the vibrant scenes right here in the heart of Mexico City. Picture this: a classic VW combi, brimming with colorful helium balloons, parked amidst the bustling streets. It's more than just a beautiful sight; it's a perfect metaphor for our mission at BeNeXT Global. Each balloon, like each of our endeavors, symbolizes joy, celebration, and the upliftment of ideas and communities through social entrepreneurship.

The Essence of Our Journey

These balloons represent the colorful and uplifting nature of our projects. At BeNeXT Global, we see each idea and dream as a balloon—full of potential and ready to soar towards the skies. Our work in social entrepreneurship is dedicated to elevating these dreams, infusing them with the vibrancy and purpose that these balloons embody. We're committed to bringing more color,...

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Embrace the Power of Innovation: A Call for Change

by Hector H. Lopez

As we stand on the precipice of transformative change, this latest video message is a clarion call to all visionaries and innovators who share our mission at BeNeXT Global. It's a reflection of our journey together, a celebration of the creativity and audacious spirit that define our community.

Beyond Landscapes: Harnessing Latin America's Cultural Wealth

Latin America is not just a land of breathtaking landscapes and ancient traditions; it is a reservoir of untapped potential and creative energy. Our mission goes beyond exploring this rich cultural tapestry; it involves harnessing this potential to uplift our communities. By honoring our cultural heritage, we aim to bring innovative projects to the forefront, making a profound impact on society.

Prioritizing People and Experience

At BeNeXT Global, our endeavors transcend simple exploration. We are committed to...

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Reflecting on Tradition and Innovation: The Path to Professional Certification at BeNeXT Global

by Hector H. Lopez

In every gleam, a reflection of our story resonates. The Spanish saying, "Más vale paso que dure y no trote que canse" (Better a pace that lasts than a trot that tires), rings true in the meticulous art of shoe shining in our Mexican plazas—a ritual of patience and craftsmanship. As Octavio Paz once said, "Tradition is not dead stone, it is living water."

This rich blend of tradition and patient craftsmanship in Mexico embodies the spirit at the heart of BeNeXT Global. As we embrace these enduring cultural practices, we are reminded of the importance of building on a solid foundation, an approach that is essential in our educational offerings. At BeNeXT Global, we are committed to integrating these values into our mission to foster innovative thinkers and leaders.

Professional Certification Rooted in Deep Cultural Values

As BeNeXT Global evolves into an...

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Navigating Change with Social Entrepreneurship: A New Chapter at BeNeXT Global

by Hector H. Lopez

In the evolving landscape of global challenges, the need for innovative, sustainable solutions through social entrepreneurship has never been more urgent. Reflecting on my journey, I am constantly reminded of the profound impact and the roots of social entrepreneurship—a movement not just for profit, but for positive change.

The Genesis and Power of Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship began as a response to societal needs, offering innovative and sustainable solutions. It has evolved into a powerful vehicle for change, embodying hope and action. This aligns closely with my life's mission at BeNeXT Global, where we use entrepreneurial skills to drive substantial community and global transformation.

The Growing Need for Purpose-Driven Leaders

Our world stands at a critical crossroads that requires more than just traditional business acumen. We need...

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Rekindling Connections: The Integral Role of Friendship in Transformative Change

by Hector H. Lopez

Just a few days ago, while in vibrant heart of Mexico City, I experienced a serendipitous moment that would remind me of an essential truth I'd nearly forgotten in the whirlwind of my entrepreneurial journey. I bumped into Mariam Gillis, an old college friend I hadn’t seen in over two decades. Our unexpected reunion at one of my favorite cafés, surrounded by the familiar buzz of the city, highlighted an irreplaceable value I had overlooked: the importance of staying connected.

As we sat there, exchanging stories and laughter, it struck me how essential these connections are—not just for personal joy but for our professional lives as well. In the relentless pursuit of dreams and building ventures, it’s easy to sing the tune of ‘I don’t have time’. However, unintentionally, I had let the threads of many past relationships...

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Embracing New Roles & Championing Social Entrepreneurship: A New Chapter at BeNeXT Global

by Hector H. Lopez

As I reflect on the journey so far, I am reminded that every step we take is not just a progression, but a chance to redefine our path. Today, I share with you a significant transition in my professional life—from the president of BeNeXT Global to a dedicated board member and member of the faculty. This change, while significant, does not diminish my commitment but rather refocuses it on empowering and expanding our mission through education and social entrepreneurship.

A Legacy of Impact and the Path Forward

This transition that began a year ago today marks a new chapter, not just for me but for BeNeXT Global as we pivot towards becoming an innovative educational institution. Our vision is clear: to harness the collective power of diverse minds to tackle global challenges. This vision was crystallized through hemispheric collaborations spanning from...

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Revisiting Roots & Redefining Futures at BeNeXT Global

by Hector H. Lopez

As I stand on the brink of revealing some major new initiatives at BeNeXT Global, I find myself reflecting on the profound journey that has brought us here. This reflection isn't just about nostalgia; it's about harnessing the lessons of the past to propel us forward. In my latest vlog, I take you back to my days at Georgetown University with my friend Niaz Uddin, exploring the legacies that have shaped us and the dreams that drive our future.

Dreaming Big and Building Legacies

At Georgetown, the seeds of ambition were sown. This experience was more than just an education; it was a cultivation of the drive to make a substantial impact on the world. Today, as we stand poised to transition BeNeXT Global into an educational institution, these memories reinforce our mission to not just dream, but to act boldly.

Expanding Horizons Through Education

The upcoming...

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Embracing a New Chapter in Mexico City: Legacy, Innovation, & Transformation

by Hector H. Lopez

As I stepped back onto the vibrant streets of Mexico City (CDMX), the dynamic pulse of this sprawling metropolis seemed to echo the fiery spirit of the Year of the Dragon, heralding a year filled with promise and transformation. This isn't just a return to the city I adore—it's a leap into a transformative journey that intertwines my personal aspirations with the groundbreaking ambitions of BeNeXT Global.

Mexico City, with its rich tapestry of culture, history, and unbridled creativity, provides the perfect backdrop for the revolutionary changes that await. The city's energy fuels my commitment to forge new paths in professional development and education, reflecting BeNeXT Global's mission to reshape the landscape of higher education and professional certification through innovative, socially responsible initiatives.

The Power of Legacy in Professional Growth


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Embracing a New Dawn: The Journey of Innovation & Connection in CDMX

by Hector H. Lopez

As the early light of 2024 spills over the vibrant streets of Mexico City, I find myself energized by the pulse of this dynamic metropolis. Walking these lively streets, I'm reminded of the rich tapestry of culture, creativity, and community that thrives here—a reflection of the spirit that drives BeNeXT Global.

A City of Vibrant Inspirations

This morning, a mural by REVOST at el Mercado Hidalgo caught my eye, perfectly encapsulating the vibe of the city. It's more than art; it's a symbol of how environments can inspire innovation and creativity. Every corner of Mexico City, with its colorful life and bustling energy, serves as a reminder of the endless possibilities for transformation and growth.

Gratitude and Renewed Purpose

Reflecting on the heartfelt messages from friends and family, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. These connections are not just personal;...

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Honoring Legacy: Paving the Way for Future Innovators

by Hector H. Lopez

As we embrace the Year of the Dragon, I find myself reflecting deeply on the theme of legacy—what it means, how it shapes us, and the powerful influence it holds over our futures. This reflection is deeply personal, stemming from the enduring impacts of my beloved grandparents, Mi Tata and Abuelita Martita, whose stories and values continue to guide my journey both as a social entrepreneur and as a person deeply connected to my roots.

A Tribute to Resilience and Vision

My grandfather, Mi Tata, was not just a family patriarch but a beacon of resilience and vision. From his humble beginnings as a traveling salesman to becoming a respected business leader in Mexico, his story is a testament to the power of persistence and courage. His life's narrative has not only inspired me but also laid the foundational ethos of BeNeXT Global, where we now prepare to launch...

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Challenging the Status Quo: A Manifesto for Transforming Higher Education

by Hector H. Lopez

In my latest video, which I believe is the most crucial one I've made to date, I present an honest and explosive Education Manifesto. It's time to confront and challenge the outdated norms and classist practices that continue to plague institutions like my alma mater. This call to action isn't just about criticism—it's a plea for significant change to save higher education from its potential demise.

Why Change is Necessary

Higher education stands at a crossroads. The traditional models no longer suffice in a world where diversity and inclusivity are increasingly becoming the benchmarks of quality education. My video manifesto addresses the urgent need to dismantle barriers that have long excluded significant portions of our society, particularly the 79 million college-aged Latinos across the Americas whose potential is yet untapped.

Creating an Inclusive...

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AI in Latin America: a Delicate Dance of Progress & Peril 28000 days on tech

by Hector H. Lopez

In today's world, artificial intelligence (AI) is a double-edged sword—both a harbinger of massive potential and a bearer of significant risks. In my latest vlog, I explore this delicate balance through the lens of Mexico City, a vibrant and complex metropolis that exemplifies the diverse applications and implications of AI in Latin America.

AI as an Everyday Ally

Mexico City, with its blend of ancient culture and bustling modernity, is an ideal backdrop to demonstrate AI’s integration into daily life. In the vlog, I share how AI has seamlessly become part of the urban fabric—helping me navigate the city on an electric skateboard, enhancing public transport with smart buses, and connecting me with the city's deep cultural heritage in innovative ways. These examples show AI's potential to make life more efficient and enjoyable, illustrating its...

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VisiĆ³n de BeNeXT Global para una EducaciĆ³n Transformadora y Accesible 28000 days futuro las americas next global scholars on education

by Hector H. Lopez

En 2013, BeNeXT Global se embarcó en una misión para empoderar a individuos a convertirse en las mejores versiones de sí mismos a través de oportunidades educativas innovadoras. Hoy, mientras navegamos a través de importantes cambios demográficos y los desafíos de la educación global, BeNeXT se encuentra en un punto crucial, liderando un movimiento transformador hacia el espacio edtech para democratizar el acceso a una educación de alta calidad para los 79 millones de latinos en edad universitaria en las Américas.

Cambios Demográficos y Oportunidades Educativas

Discusiones recientes han resaltado una tendencia demográfica convincente: mientras que la matrícula universitaria en general está disminuyendo, la comunidad latina experimenta un crecimiento robusto en la...

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Fuerza Bruta: A Journey of Transformation in Buenos Aires 28000 days on the arts

by Hector H. Lopez

Today, we draw inspiration from an extraordinary experience — the Fuerza Bruta show in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a spectacle that reminds us of the urgency and beauty of living life to the fullest.

Experiencing Fuerza Bruta

Fuerza Bruta, translating to 'Brute Force,' is more than just a performance; it's an immersive theatrical experience that challenges the senses and perceptions of its audience. The show combines dynamic music, aerial displays, and innovative use of space to create a visceral experience that captivates and moves its viewers. This powerful performance metaphorically reflects life's unpredictable twists and the relentless passage of time, pushing us to consider the intensity with which we pursue our own lives.

Lessons on Life's Urgency

The core message of Fuerza Bruta resonates deeply with BeNeXT Global's mission to empower individuals to live...

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Launching from LATAM: Why Mexico City is the Entrepreneur's Dream 28000 days

by Hector H. Lopez

Mexico City is not just the vibrant heart of Latin America but also a burgeoning hub for entrepreneurs. At BeNeXT Global, our mission is to empower individuals through innovative educational opportunities, and Mexico City's dynamic environment exemplifies the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship we strive to foster.

A Personal Connection to Mexico's Rich History

For many, including our own community members, Mexico holds a personal and historical significance that enriches their entrepreneurial journey. The deep familial and cultural connections to Mexico inspire a profound commitment to the region, driving many to relocate and invest in the bustling metropolis of Mexico City.

The Allure of Mexico City for Entrepreneurs

Mexico City offers a unique blend of modern facilities, rich culture, and accessible opportunities that make it an ideal launchpad for...

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BeNeXT Global's Vision for Transformative, Accessible Education 28000 days benext global

In 2013, BeNeXT Global embarked on a mission to empower individuals to become the best versions of themselves through innovative educational opportunities. Today, as we navigate through significant demographic shifts and the challenges of global education, BeNeXT stands at a pivotal juncture, spearheading a transformative move into the edtech space to democratize access to high-quality education for the 79 million college-aged Latinos in the Americas.

Demographic Shifts and Educational Opportunities

Recent discussions have highlighted a compelling demographic trend: while overall college enrollment is declining, the Latino community is experiencing robust growth in higher education. Currently, there are 7 million college-aged Latinos in the United States and an additional 72 million in Latin America, poised to redefine the academic landscape. Despite these numbers, this...

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I'm Not Lost, I'm Exploring 28000 days benext global

In a world still grappling with the challenges of a pandemic, the notion of feeling 'lost' can often overshadow the spirit of exploration. Yet, as BeNeXT Global continues to navigate these uncertain times, our journey reflects a profound commitment to discovery, innovation, and the pursuit of meaningful societal impact. The podcast episode "I'm Not Lost, I'm Exploring" encapsulates this ethos, illustrating how our paths, though seemingly meandering, are integral to our mission and vision.

Exploration as a Pathway to Innovation

Traveling through various cities during a pandemic might seem daunting to many, yet for BeNeXT Global, it represents a unique opportunity to redefine how we operate and engage with the world. The pandemic has imposed significant constraints on traditional business and community activities, prompting us to explore new avenues for our organization's growth and...

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Empowering Growth: Kamala Harris & the Path Forward for Latino Entrepreneurs 28000 days benext global

In an era where dialogue and action are crucial for economic recovery and growth, Vice President Kamala Harris's involvement with the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) signifies a pivotal moment for Latino entrepreneurs across the nation. The discussions held with the USHCC and various government officials highlight a profound commitment to leveraging the vital role that Latino businesses play in the revitalization of the American economy. At BeNeXT Global, these developments resonate deeply with our mission to foster entrepreneurship and community leadership.

A Focus on Inclusive Economic Recovery

Vice President Harris's remarks at the USHCC legislative summit underscore the Biden administration’s dedication to supporting Latino businesses, particularly through the American Rescue Plan. This plan allocates significant resources, including $15 billion...

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